Well, Isabel is sick again. It just seems to be some sort of cold this time, so it should pass soon. I can't really help but be a bit annoyed though. I mean come on! Winter hasn't even started and she's already been home from school 3 days because of illness. Sigh.

In honor of my sweet girl being home all day, here's my Top 5 (Ways to Spend a Sick Day).

1. Napping

  As a full time mom, I rarely have an excuse to be napping. There's always something I should be doing - washing dishes, folding laundry, cooking dinner, answering snack requests, etc. Napping does not fall anywhere near the top of my to do list. Today, however, Isabel woke me up at 5 a.m. It took a bit coercion on my part, since Isabel has never been a keen on the idea of sleeping...ever, but I won in the end and I'm happy to say that I just woke up from a solid 1 1/2 long nap and she's still going strong. Hooray!

2. Reading a Book
  I'm all for silence when I'm sick, so reading a book is high on my list. It so easy to oscillate between reading and napping. Like peas and carrots, they go together. I don't know if this would make it on Isabel's list since she still needs someone to read to her. However, she did try to sell me on reading books instead of napping this afternoon. 

3. Watching T.V. or a Movie

  This makes the top of Isabel's list because it's the only way to confine her to the couch when she's sick. Only a few times has she ever been so sick that it's sapped all the energy out of her. Most of the time, fever and all, she's running around wasting her bodies fighting energy on playtime, so the television becomes a necessary evil. For me, sickness is an excuse to re-watch all the girly romantic comedies in our collection that I've seen 100 times. They always make me feel better.

4. Eating Popsicles
  When your throat is terribly soar, and nothing sounds good to eat, a popsicle is a soothing treat. I keep popsicle molds and gatorade around the house for times just like this (and retched hot summer days).  In just a matter of hours I can make something my sick little munchkins will eat and help them maintain their fluid levels.  Popsicles are a year round necessity in our house.

5. Playing Cards

  Solitaire is such an old school way to keep yourself busy.  It's great for passing the time when you're sick.  The kids prefer War or Casino, but I bet when their old enough to get solitaire, they'll get hooked on it too.  

There you have it. Here's to hopping this nap helps Isabel feel better and doesn't keep her up for half the night.  Enjoy your weekend everyone - Cheers!

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