Sometimes when I'm hanging around the school yard it seems like I'm the only parent that actually looks forward to the end of the school year. Everyone seems to be asking, "What am I supposed to do with my kids all summer long?" And while I know that most people are joking, I can't help but feel like there's a little hidden truth in their voices.

So, today in honor of it being our last day of school, here are my Top 5 Reasons I Love the Last Day of School...

1. No More Alarms!
  I've never been a morning person, and despite the fact that I normally wake up before the alarm goes off, I can't help loving the idea that there's nothing I absolutely have to wake up for. That's pure bliss in my book.

2. No More Packing Lunches!
  Lunches can be a big headache in our house. If Cole could take PB&J everyday, life would be simple. However, the no nut policy at school puts an end to that pipe dream, so I'm often left scrambling to find something he wants to eat. With summer here, Cole can eat PB&J everyday and lunch will be smooth sailing.

3. No More Homework!
  Sure, we have stuff we're going to do this summer. Math, reading, journaling...all that stuff that keeps your kids from going brain dead during the summer months. But homework this year made me want to rip my hair out at times, so I'm happy to be finished with it for a couple months.

4. No Set Bedtimes!
  Now that the sun stays up late, we've had a heck of a time getting the kids to go to sleep at a reasonable time so they can be up early for school the next day. I'm looking forward to tossing bedtime out the window and going with the flow.

5. No Set Schedules!
  The last day of school, means the end of routine for us. Summer days hold endless possibilities, so I'm excited to get out and explore and see where the wind takes us.

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