Despite the weather getting a bit warmer, it's a dismal day full of rain, wind and all over unpleasantness. Add a headache to that mix and one tired little girl, and you have what I consider a movie day.

So, today I'm posting my Top 5 Kids Movie Picks. These are movies that we love to watch all together. They aren't necessarily the best of animation, but our kids love them and because of that so do we.
#5. Wall-E 

Having a son that is obsessed with robots makes this an obvious choice for us. Despite critics bashing it for the fat people and the goody-goody green earth message, I must say I think it's brilliant. It mixes the future of machines and technology with the broader message that we must continue to care for our world. I'm a proud tree-hugger and not afraid to admit that I want my kids to learn my crazy hippy ways. Hooray for kids movies going green!
#4. Ratatouille

I love this movie about a rat who wants to become a chef. Some people may find it boring because it's not action packed, but not me. I love food and I think it's great that there's a movie out there getting kids to think about what they put in their mouths. Also, the greater message of friendship in the face of adversity is an important lesson for kids to learn.
#3. Monster's Inc.

When I first saw this movie I couldn't get over how horribly clever it was. I mean it's about monsters scaring kids! The whole thing is hilarious, especially the scene where the little girl hits Randall with the baseball bat turning him different colors. That still sends me into fits of laughter. Need I say more?
#2. Kung Fu Panda

Jack Black is one of my favorite funny men. I absolutely loved him in High Fidelity, so I knew that Kung Fu Panda would be a knock out. I love the quirky humor and awesome fight scenes. A lot of animation series let the second installment go, but Kung Fu Panda 2 was just as good.
#1. Despicable Me

There are so many reasons to love this movie - the minions, the cool evil devices, the crazy Dr. Nefario, squid launchers.... And I absolutely adore the three little girls. Isabel reminds me so much of the littlest girl...sweet, innocent, slightly diabolical. I can't wait to see the sequel. I hope they take the time to do a good job with it. 

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