It's official. This is our last week of summer. The kids start school one week from tomorrow and I have to say that I can't wait. 

I know, I know...I was the one who was super excited for school to be finished so I didn't have to wake up to an alarm for a while. Are you wondering what happened? Well, while I was submerged in my blissful fantasy of no alarms I clearly forgot that my six year old wakes up early no matter what time of year it is. School, summer, Christmas vacation - you name it - that girl gets up every single day between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. No alarm needed. It doesn't matter what time she's went to bed. She's an early riser and quite frankly I need her to go back to school so I can get some sleep.

Just kidding...kind of.
Actually, it's more that I'm just ready for Fall. I'm ready for cool weather that allows for jeans and sweaters. I'm ready for apple picking and pumpkins. I'm ready for that amazing wet earth smell that permeates the air as the leaves start to fall off the trees. That smell is good. 

Now, I know we have a few more weeks of warm weather but up here in Canada there's already a bit of chill in the night air and apple picking opens next weekend (for the early varieties). So I'm not too off my rocker. I'm even ready to start making Halloween costumes! What can I say? I love the Fall. It's my favorite time of the year and since Fall brings the beginning of school, I guess I'm ready for school as well...though I'll need this last week to truly prepare myself.

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