Remember this ring?
I fought with it a decent amount before the holidays and then put it down to pursue other endeavors - like crocheting Christmas gifts.  Anyway, I had a thrown down with it last night at the rock shop.  

I annealed it to make it more pliable, in the hopes that I wouldn't break the bezel.  I took the dremel to it, opting for the precision of a small tool over the large wheel tripoli, in the hopes of saving it from being flung from my grasp and smashed...again.

And when it was all nice and shiny, I lovingly and gently pushed the precision cut rock into the bezel....

And then I pushed a little harder...

And a little harder still...

And then I considered taking a mallet to it.

The darn thing didn't fit! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!

No matter how hard a pushed and prodded I couldn't get the stone to sit flat on the bottom of the bezel. So, after too many hours spent on this darn thing, I've resigned myself to melting it down and starting a new.I'm sure it will make a lovely...something else. Until I get around to that I'll let Isabel wear it around.  It makes her happy.

The evening wasn't a complete bust though.  I got started on a beautiful piece of Jasper that I know my sister-in-law is going to love.  Every time I look at it, I see her.
1/12/2012 09:57:59 am that me or your other sister-in-law?!?!? :-) Either way, I'm stoked to see pix!!!


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