Thankfully, the kids woke up at a reasonable time this year and were happy to find Easter baskets awaiting them. There was plenty of candy involved, but also books, movies, and lego mini-figures.
After rifling through the contents of their baskets, the kids immediately set out in search of all the eggs the Easter Bunny had hid in our tiny little apartment. He got pretty creative this year.
Apparently Cole was too quick for me because I don't have any pictures of him finding eggs. Go figure.

Well, pictures or no, the kids had a really great time with all the goodies the Easter Bunny left for them to find. A lot of fun has already been had with the new mini-figures and we're looking forward to watching Tintin on our next movie night. Isabel gave herself a stomach by eating half the candy in her basket (unbeknownst to me!) and oscillated between happy and super cranky for most of the day. But, we took a walk to enjoy the weather and managed to get to bed at a reasonable time. Hooray!

Today we're all recovering.

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