Isabel and I did some easy baking this morning.  We made pretzels.
Now, I love to have my kids help me while I'm cooking (most of the time) but the easy bake oven is a whole new experience for me.  I never had one as a kid.  Not quite sure why...guess I wasn't into food back then.

Anyway, I'm the assistant and it's so much fun to watch Isabel get into her easy baking groove.  She wants to do everything. From rolling and twisting the pretzels....
To applying the egg wash....
To sprinkling the salt.
Then she pushes the pan into the magical little oven, waits for the timer, and then slides the pan from the oven to the cooling chamber.  She can hardly wait the 12 minutes it takes for things to bake, she's so excited.  

Like any good brother, Cole tries everything she bakes and makes all the appropriate "mmmm"  noises.  He's such a good boy.

I smell the baking of a culinary master!

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