Back in college the Chapel staff created something called Deep Thoughts by Jack VanHandey. Of course they were mimicking the famous quotes of Jack Handey the humorist. Perhaps you remember his one liners on Saturday Night Live?
Anyway, every so often something happens to me that brings back these hysterical memories of sitting in Chapel listening to the most recent Deep Thought by Jack VanHandey. For example, a while back we were walking the kids to school one morning whenl I saw a squirrel eating a full-size round donut. 


The donut was bigger than the size of the squirrel's head, but he had it clamped between his little paws and he was going to town stuffing that thing into his cheeks. 

And as we walked along, continuing on our way to school, I realized that I was waiting for the tranquil sound of elevator music to start and to hear a soothing male voice echo down from the atmosphere to relate some witty one-liner that summed up what I had just experienced. 

A squirrel eating a donut.

(That was the first moment in the past year that I have regretted not having a cell phone. Because if I did, I would have a picture to post so you too could have flashbacks from college.)

Now, maybe college just instilled in me a fondness for squirrels, but I would like to think that's not the case - since the black squirrels in Holland, MI are crazy, scary. Instead, I like to think that those moments in Chapel instilled in me the ability to see humor in life.

With that, I'll leave you with this....

Picture the tulip, and while you're doing that I'll be over here going through your bag.

Yo quiero Deep Thoughts by Jack VanHandey

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