In case you haven't noticed...I have a reading problem. If I had my choice I would spend several hours a day with my nose stuck between the pages of my latest read. Actually, I'm not far off of that anyway. I read just about every chance I get - while eating lunch, while cooking dinner, before bed...and countless moments in between those.

Most of those times I'm reading my most recent acquisition from our local library. But every now and again I'm in the mood for one of my favorites, a book right off my own shelf because the truth is I don't just love to read books. I love to own books! I'll never own an eReader. They are far too modern for my taste. When it comes to books, I want the feel of thick printer's paper in between my fingers and the smell of paper pulp and dust and an earthy sweetness lingering in the air. I want to hold the glossy book jackets that hide plain dark covers with metallic writing.

I dream of someday having a large study in my house that's lined with bookshelves from floor to ceiling packed full of books of every size, shape, color and genre. It will be my favorite room in the house.

Anyway, I digress...

The point is I thought I would share what's currently sitting on my shelves. These are not the only books we own, far from it! But these are the ones that made the trip to Canada with us and the ones we've bought since being here. They are the books I turn to time and time again.
Shelf #1 - The Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer

I don't care what anybody says about these books. I love them. I've already read them several times and I'm certain to read them several more....and I'm not sorry about it.
Shelf #2 - The Kushiel's Dart series & The Kushiel's Scion series by Jacqueline Carey

Written by a woman I know from college, these books are lush with adventure, intrigue, and romance. The heroine is completely unique and never gets wishy-washy. They are easily some of my favorites.  
Shelf #3 - Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling and Delirium/Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver

Harry Potter is a must have for us. Clay and I both love it and I can't wait to share it with our kids! Lauren Oliver's books were recent purchases for me and I'm excited to be able to revisit them whenever I want.
Shelf #4 - Boris Akunin books, Sherlock Holmes, etc.

This shelf belongs more to Clay than me, but I've read most of the stuff on it and when I'm in the mood for a good mystery this is the shelf I turn to.
Shelf #5 -  Janet Evanovich, Cassandra Clare & Jane Austen

When I'm in the mood to laugh out loud I alway turn to Janet Evanovich. Her Stephanie Plum series always has me in stitches. The Mortal Instruments books are recent additions and I'm happy to have them on our shelves. I hope that someday Isabel will read them and enjoy them as much as I have. And Jane Austen is always a solid choice when looking for a witty romance.

So, there it is. By no way is this list exhaustive. We have lots of books - on shelves, on floors, on tables...everywhere. But these are the ones that have a place to call their own. 

What books do you keep?
4/30/2012 09:30:11 am

All of them. Unless I have lent them to someone, and then their place is held by a sad, gaping hole that I feel I have to fill with new books. :-) I am also always reading something.... In fact, I am thoroughly enjoying "50 Shades of Grey" at the moment. And I have to say that it is quite good. And not for the trashy sex part! :-)

I'd love to write a review of it for the blog, if you'd like!! ^_^



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