Continuing on my Cassandra Clare kick, Clockwork Prince finally came in at the library the other day. Released in December 2011, it is the second book in the Infernal Devices series.

In this book, Tessa continues to search for answers to her past as outsiders attempt to take control of the institute where she is currently sheltered. If they have their way, Tessa will be out on the street with no protection from the Magistrar and his demonic clockwork army. Along the way Tessa gets help from Jem who is quickly becoming more than a friend, and Will whom she drawn to despite his moody behavior. Together, they must follow the trail of the mysterious Magistrar to save the institute and discover what they can about who Tessa really is.

While the first book in this series had a sinister feeling that blanketed this story, this book follows more along the lines of the Mortal Instruments series. Clare took more time developing the background of her characters in this story, leaving me with a better sense of why I should care about them in the first place. The tension that she writes between the Tessa-Jem-Will love triangle is spot on and you can equally see why Tessa would want to be with either boy.

I am enjoying these stories and I'm looking forward to the next book Clockwork Princess which is due out in December. However, I do think that the story line in these books needed to be flushed out a bit more. I find that I am not as attached to the characters in these books despite it being a pretty interesting idea. For me, the Mortal Instrument series is better.

What do you think?
3/25/2012 09:34:59 am

Oh man I loved these books. I bought the first one because it was $5 and couldn't wait for the second at the library so I bought it too. Now I am dying to read the next one I don't want to wait until December. The ending was so not how I wanted it to turn out so now I am really left hanging as to what happens in this crazy love triangle. Any more good book suggestions? I am dying for a really good read. Miss you how is everything going for you guys? Coming back any time soon?


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