We found ourselves a local strawberry farm this past weekend and went out in search of some pure strawberry gold.
Needless to say, we were successful. And I've got to tell you, I've never seen so many strawberries! They were red. They were ripe. And they were plentiful.
One awesome thing, besides the big red berries, was that the farm sold reusable baskets. For just 50-75 cents you could get a basket that will service you for many berry picking years to come. Hooray for green farmers!
After a short tractor ride, we were assigned a row and we began to pick.
Most of the berries found their way into a basket, but I would be lying if I said that they all made it there. One or two may have been sampled along the way.
We picked two 6-liter baskets for ourselves and a 4-liter for some friends. My freezer is packed full with freshly picked frozen strawberries and I have some waiting to be turned into ice cream....maybe a daiquiri.

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