In the interest of furthering the discussion of female role models please read the following for your consideration:

I for one want to know, what qualities are important in making up a role model for girls? Must a person/character be strong, intelligent, practical, virtuous, and true of heart? Could girls even connect with someone so wholly perfect?  Or can we willingly accept that no one leads such a perfect life in fiction or reality? And if we do accept that, then what character flaws are we willing to accept within a person/character and still deem them a good role model?

It can certainly be noted that culture pushes back on the "damsel in distress" imagery. But, it always seems to be with a female character who takes on male characteristics - think of Katniss in The Hunger Games who they have to "make pretty" in order for people to like her or Mulan who has to disguise herself as a man (would any man actually believe that?). The list could go on, but I hardly think it needs to. A lot of today's female characters who aren't "damsels in distress" aren't noted for their femininity either. 

Without giving it tons of thought, I can come up with one female character off the top of my head that I would consider a "good" role model. She is the heroine, Phedre, from the Kushiel's Dart series by Jacqueline Carey. She's intelligent, cunning, clever and quick while still being beautiful and desirable.  She is impressively written and one of the best female characters I've read in a long time. However, she does have flaws that some may use to argue against her being a good role model. I won't go into it further in case you decide to check out the books. *I recognize that this book (Kushiel's Dart) is more of an adult fiction, but that brings to light another difficult aspect of seeking good role models in literature - intended audience. If a character is to connect with the intended audience, shouldn't they be written to appeal to them?

Overall, I think it's pretty difficult to come up with a definitive list of traits for a good role model. So much of a character is based on personal perception. After all, I don't find Bella's to be terrible role model, but I know plenty of people out there that disagree with me.

So, what about you? Can you think of any female characters that you would deem a good role model for girls? Perhaps I'm just not well read.  Please point me in a direction if you have suggestions and tell me what you think defines a good role model.
1/10/2012 08:28:31 am


In terms of kids literature, I'm a huge fan of "The Name of This Book is Secret" series. The female character is a secondary character but she is GREAT!!! And the male character is really interested in her in a romantic way.... :-) Love this!



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