Every once in a while I think this whole parenting thing is one big hallucination and any moment I'm going to wake up in my dorm room back at Hope College. I'll get up and go to some art class and get on with my life thinking that was the most vivid dream I've ever had.
I  bet you're wondering what set off this line of thinking?

Well, this morning I witnessed Squinkies & Go Gos attacking a Lego Mini-fig village.
Here the Squinkies are getting ready for battle in their magic bubble pods. Apparently the red ones are fire bubbles. They set everything they touch on fire and water is the only thing that can bring them down. Who knew?

I have no idea what the yellow ones do...and I'm afraid to ask.
Squinkies weapon of choice - the dreaded bone axe - seems a bit much for such adorable little things but what do I know?
The Go Gos are lining up as well while the Lego mini-fig defense regiments get ready to defend their base.
So far, the whole hallucination theory hasn't worked out for me, but after a morning of bubble pods, bone axes, mini-fig mini-guns and other whatnot can there be any doubt? I must have had a bad reaction to some Phelps dining hall food because otherwise this whole parenting thing is quite a trip.

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