Janet Evanovich is back with the 18th book in her best-selling Stephanie Plum series and the famous female bounty hunter is up to her old tricks once again.
Stephanie Plum's vacation to Hawaii didn't quite go as planned but she made it home to Trenton alive and that's more than the guy in the seat next to her can say. Soon Stephanie finds herself in the middle of an international murder investigation with some pretty shady people tracking her down. She would be nervous about it, but when Joyce Barnhardt moves into her apartment she knows she has bigger things to worry about.

Like all of the Stephanie Plum series, Explosive Eighteen is a fun, face-paced book that keeps you turning pages. The plot follows the same formula as all of the rest of the series (Stephanie trying to catch lame bad guys + real bad guys trying to catch Stephanie + explosions + car issues + pizza + beer + men), but Evanovich's characters make the story compelling. They are colorful and quirky and down right hilarious. These books cause me to laugh out loud...often. And I'll keep reading them as long as she keeps writing them. If you're looking for a laugh, you should definitely check these out.

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