After a blissful week with no kids, we planned an overnight trip to Niagara Falls in order to meet up with Grandma and Grandpa and decide if we wanted our children back...
Or if we were going to send them over the Falls in a barrel instead...

We stayed in Thorold, Ontario which is about 20 minutes from Niagara Falls. There's a Four Points Sheraton there that has really nice family suites. It was a lot cheaper to get one big family suite there than to get two separate rooms anywhere in the Niagara Falls. So if you're thinking of going and you need the extra space, I highly recommend checking it out.
Anyway, despite having lived in Ontario for over a year now, this was our first real trip...anywhere. Normally we just go with the flow and enjoy life around our little city, so it was really great to step-out and see a bit more of this beautiful country we live in. Clay and I have both seen the Falls before, but it was a first for the kids.
We took the Journey Behind the Falls tour.
And spent the rest of the day just enjoying the brilliance of nature. 

The tour was really awesome, but I really love the view from the top. Doesn't it look like I'm about to go over?
The kids really enjoyed themselves. I even got them to take a nice picture together.
Of course, there was this one...
and this one as well.
Oh well, can't win them all.

In the end, we decided against the barrel and just opted for bringing them home with us. After two days of constant noise, I'm having second thoughts.

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